It's the last leg of lecture phase and man am I tired. I think everyone here is feeling the pressure of outreach soon approaching (the first team is leaving in 5 days or so!) and our minds seem to just be completely focused on outreach. We are still in the last week of lectures: Biblical Worldview and to be honest, it has been hard to pay attention in class because there is so much else going on. Anyway thats just where I'm at.
Contrary to being tired, I am so extremely excited for outreach! Our team leaves for Fiji on April 8th (April 7th in Canada) and we are getting closer and closer to being ready every day! Our team went yesterday into town to buy our mosquito nets and all the other things we may need for outreach. So me being a very, well.. I could say OCD packer, I had to do a full 'trial packing'- packing everything I needed for outreach and seeing how much space I have. And hallelujah! Because everything I need fits into my small, 45 litre hiking backpack! (Thank you Becs!) Whohoo! So in doing all that.. outreach seemed more real than ever.
While on the topic of outreach, I have to warn you all that regular, weekly blog posting will most likely not happen. We will not have much access to the internet and we will only be bringing one team laptop. That team laptop was going to be mine that we were taking... but yesterday the hard drive decided to fail and now I have no computer. So I may be even worse with communicating now, which I apologize in advance for. Please pray that God would give me the money for a new hard drive ($180)!
Alright so on a higher note, this week was our last week of Body Soul, Spirit- a workout program that one of our leaders lead us in for all of DTS. BSS has changed my life. It has changed the way I think about fitness, I have much more motivation to train the body God gave me, and so much more appreciation for fitness. My passion for nutrition has been heightened, and I have learned a lot more about how the body processes different foods. I know, to you it may sound dorky, but its absolutely fascinating to me.
So on Thursday, we climbed up Mount Munganui for workout and oh my goodness was it ever hard and tiring but the satisfaction of accomplishment that came as I got to the top was indescribable. It is just such a testament to what I have overcome in regards to my health- and so symbolic of new beginnings and a fresh start.
This is me on the top of the mount right after I got up there! And this is the city I have been living in since January- Tauranga. So beautiful! God, you are so good.
So, I will try to post before I go on outreach but if that does not happen, thank you to everyone who reads my blog, supports me through encouragement and prayer, and supports me through funds. It is a living miracle and proof of God's provision for me that I am here and able to go into all the world and bring hope to the oppressed.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and may the Lord bless you and keep you.