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Monday, December 26, 2011

figuring this all out.

Okay. This is now the permanent location for all my blog updates! Hate to say it, but wordpress was really dumb. Blogspot is operated by Google- a good friend of mine once said that she believed Google was taking over the cyber world. I think she is right.

Just thought I'd give you a little glimpse of what our Christmas tree looks like. Isn't it beautiful? I think my mom, Linden and I did a pretty swell job don't you? :)  This was also taken with my brand new camera that my parents got me for Christmas/ for my trip.

Anyways, if you would like to be notified whenever I publish a new post, there is a little area at the bottom of this page where you can enter your email and you'll get an email with every new post. Do it!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I sure did!

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