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Monday, December 26, 2011

flying out!

This week was crazy. I got my official acceptance letter from the base on Tuesday and the next day I was on the phone with Air Miles booking my flights. Which.. I do not recommend if you are flying to New Zealand.. they made it so hard for me. And so my mom and I added up all the different costs I would have to pay and surprisingly enough, it was MORE money to fly with Air Miles than just to pay for it straight up! waaah!! and I didnt think travel insurance was so expensive...
Thursday I booked my bus from Auckland to Tauranga! Get this. Ten bucks. 3 hour bus ride. YEEEEEES. That would be like.. 5 times that here! Stoked for that.
SO, on December 10th, my friend Chelsea and I are having a coffee hang out night for our trips (she is going to YWAM in Australia in February!!) at our church. We just want people to know what we are gunna be doing instead of leaving you in the dark about it all. We will have some lovely art being displayed by the incredibly talented and beautiful Lindsey Taylor and also a silent auction for some pieces of art that she has so generously donated. A couple good friends by the names of Tyler Ford and Julie Palin will be coming to share their musical gifts with us:) along with some YWAM alumni who will come and share some stories with us. and, ofcourse there will be some lovely baked goods (Gluten free as well!!) and beverages served :)
Chelsea and I invite you to come to this awesome opportunity for us to tell you what we are going to be doing in the next chapter of our lives. We are excited about our trips and want you to be a part of them! (Hence the blog.. haha!) Bring your friends, family, grandparents.. lol everyone is welcome!
So come out on December 10th! Do it!

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